Sunday, July 16, 2006 South Africa

hey again,
All praise is to our God. It's tough to not address Him if I speak or write. I'm thirsty for Jesus, and for His love.
Yet besides worshiping Jesus, there is little for me to write on. I've been having quite the time so far getting adjusted to everything. It's been good, and have been able to connect with many on a personal level, both in the Body and in the community.
I've found the exposure of something in my heart, as if the Father let light shine on a part of me that I like to hide. You see, there is this deep rooted thing in me that wants to be a Jim Elliot, a stoned to death Stephen or a driven out Luther. I find that so often I equate that place of intense suffering with the pleasure of God, as if somehow I will prove that I truly follow Him.
And here I am, in the richest part of Africa. I eat at decent restaraunts, I live in a cozy little "flat" (apartment), I drive a nice truck. Yet I've been able to hold orphans in my arms. I've had little kids call me "Daddy." I've been a jungle gym to a few dozen kids in the poorer area's of town. I've begun to love every African I've met.
1 Cor. 13 speaks of how often we try to find works rather than grace, and we don't understand boundless love. It says "if I gave all I had...if I threw my body to the flame of torture, and had not love..." I've been liberated by this concept. Someday, I do wish to go to a land with harsh persecution that has restricted the Gospel, and come into it with the freedom of annointing and God's mighty power that rules over the kings of earth. Yet, for now, I am content in love. I am in desire simply and only to love my King and His Kingdom.
Last entry, I mentioned my "Jericho Path" and it has been my goal that every trip I make to a shop or food market is a chance to explain why this goofy white American would dare live in another land, and tell of the One Who sent me. You see, the level of my condition has become irrelevant, and now my goal is simply love. The Love of God, and His love of men.
That is my place of thirst, and my place of dwelling.

With His Love, -Nate

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