Thursday, November 16, 2006
Nambia Update 1
These are the initial days in a new country. What to do? What does one do in a new land? Get busy right away? Work hard? I say, it is mandatory to begin anew with a fresh downpour of the Holy Spirit and receiving of Him through the availability of relationship with Him through prayer. So today, I set aside the day for prayer and intercession. Intercessory prayer is such a beautiful partnership with the living God. Man does not need man to access Christ, the veil is torn and He alone is the mediator. Yet somehow He chooses to live inside us---when we pray we begin to see things from His side of things and other men by grace recognize in our pathetic little jars Someone else lives inside and He can see through us into them.
I’ve got one brother with me here. His name is Tebego (pronounced “Tay-boch-hoh”) and he is like my “Timothy.” I remember Paul’s words “there is no one who has helped me like Timothy” and the same is true of this brother. I’ve felt lead of God to equip him in the most practical and literal of terms. On our 3 day drive here across 3 countries, I let him practice his driving abilities, work on getting his driving license, and showed him how to shift gears etc. I took him to the South African Home Affairs before we left to get him a passport. But it is me, not him that is blessed. The Father is good to not place me in a new country without moral support. I know He is with me, but even so it is a blessing to have that team spirit in ministry for my own accountability yet also for the sake of ministering as a team as well. My thanks are for your prayers for him, not just me. I’m without doubt that God Himself commanded this dear man to be sent forth. Tebego had a good job with decent money, and when I prayed over him asking “Lord, do you want him to go with me? If so, Lord, he would have to surrender his job to You.” That same week I watched in awe as this brother moved in faith, quit his job (I hadn’t told him about that prayer yet) and began to volunteer in the community. Only God. When I asked him to come with, his simple but solid reply was, “sure.”
Namibia has villages to the north that from what I’ve been told are strait-up out of National Geographic. There are people that live completely disconnected from society, completely untouched and both literally and spiritually naked. Namibia has only 6 Assembly of God churches in the entire country, and there isn’t another Pentecostal Church with a good presence here either. It’s a land the size of Texas and Oklahoma combined, with just 2 million people. Yet there are many parts where pavement ends and dirt road begins. Yesterday I drove on a pure dirt road for about 200 miles and saw only one other car that strip. Many are nomads and farmers, and in the villages many are unsure if they have even a simple church at all.
Please pray with me. Please, set aside time, please call and cry and carry on for this case in the court room of heaven. Pray with me that love is released in this land. I feel my destiny has awakened and that this is “the real deal.” Pray not just for “my” ministry but my 2-years in Christ brother Tebego is birthed into the minister he is destined to become. Pray we not look down upon youth but let the Body see Jesus in a fire of passion inside my little jar and the other young jars here.
Bless you in the adorable name of Jesus!!!!
I’ve got one brother with me here. His name is Tebego (pronounced “Tay-boch-hoh”) and he is like my “Timothy.” I remember Paul’s words “there is no one who has helped me like Timothy” and the same is true of this brother. I’ve felt lead of God to equip him in the most practical and literal of terms. On our 3 day drive here across 3 countries, I let him practice his driving abilities, work on getting his driving license, and showed him how to shift gears etc. I took him to the South African Home Affairs before we left to get him a passport. But it is me, not him that is blessed. The Father is good to not place me in a new country without moral support. I know He is with me, but even so it is a blessing to have that team spirit in ministry for my own accountability yet also for the sake of ministering as a team as well. My thanks are for your prayers for him, not just me. I’m without doubt that God Himself commanded this dear man to be sent forth. Tebego had a good job with decent money, and when I prayed over him asking “Lord, do you want him to go with me? If so, Lord, he would have to surrender his job to You.” That same week I watched in awe as this brother moved in faith, quit his job (I hadn’t told him about that prayer yet) and began to volunteer in the community. Only God. When I asked him to come with, his simple but solid reply was, “sure.”
Namibia has villages to the north that from what I’ve been told are strait-up out of National Geographic. There are people that live completely disconnected from society, completely untouched and both literally and spiritually naked. Namibia has only 6 Assembly of God churches in the entire country, and there isn’t another Pentecostal Church with a good presence here either. It’s a land the size of Texas and Oklahoma combined, with just 2 million people. Yet there are many parts where pavement ends and dirt road begins. Yesterday I drove on a pure dirt road for about 200 miles and saw only one other car that strip. Many are nomads and farmers, and in the villages many are unsure if they have even a simple church at all.
Please pray with me. Please, set aside time, please call and cry and carry on for this case in the court room of heaven. Pray with me that love is released in this land. I feel my destiny has awakened and that this is “the real deal.” Pray not just for “my” ministry but my 2-years in Christ brother Tebego is birthed into the minister he is destined to become. Pray we not look down upon youth but let the Body see Jesus in a fire of passion inside my little jar and the other young jars here.
Bless you in the adorable name of Jesus!!!!