Saturday, January 27, 2007


Mozambique #2--Harvest!

"Do not be weary in well doing, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6.9

Why would such a verse exist? Likely, because doing good things can be hard work and has the possibility to wear us out. Why else would it exist? Because in all the trimming and carving to be done on the inside of us, the possibility of harvest reaping is ahead and even now it is here.

I've now seen with my own eyes a small girl exclaim "momma, papa, Jesus!!!" for the first time in her life---born deaf only to hear and speak what she heard. I wasn't the one God used to do the miracle, I was a bystander watching Heidi Baker be used of the Lord...Yet, I pray that even if I were to have been the one He chose, that I would still just treat it as though I was watching the Lord. Anyway, I've read her books, I've admired her ministry from afar and yet now to watch the creation of tomorrow's history take place before'm a bit at a loss for what to say...

The Lord in His grace allowed me to preach in another village that had never had a gospel witness, ever. It was Muslim and had rejected the gospel messenger's prior to our arrival--with rocks thrown. Yet Jesus gave me about a full day to set aside time for prayer and to seek His heart for those people. The night before I went out for a drive into the bush and sat in my truck about a few kilometers near the village. I just sat and spoke liberty and freedom over the people...I was content the next night to just go and watch the Kingdom advance and to simply hold kids in my arms and pray while it all happened...Then, from amongst a crowd of hundreds, Heidi called me forward and asked me to preach before she was even half done. Something in my soul wanted to cry, not because I was sad or afraid but just because I don't deserve stuff like this. I read the other day about the invitation Jesus gave Simon to fish for the hearts of men. When the Lord miraculously provided a huge catch of literal fish to symbolize the emerging ministry of Simon Peter and the Pentecost 3 years later, this human vessel said to Jesus, "get away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man." I know what he meant. He didn't really want Jesus to get away, it was just that the prospect of Him doing such great things through him overwhelmed him with something he couldn't fully grasp or feel like he deserved. Sometimes I tell the Lord that type of thing, too, and then HE exclaims, "Nate, PREACH! I'm with you, right? Go, preach!" And, so, at the invitation of Jesus inside His daughter Heidi, I proclaimed the Word of God, though translation was needed and though there is much needed discipleship ahead, the Lord used it as only HE can. The prayer time after my message was marvelous, and these formerly forgotten people were found in the love of Jesus Christ. Children were up at the front...yet I'm finding the idea of "altar calls" is almost silly in these village, for when HE falls on us the entire village becomes an altar-a place to meet God. Dozens desired prayer for healing, and healing came. I laid hands on a man's back only to feel such warmth come from my heart and then into my hands and then into his back, and the smile on the man's face told me he was healed and felt better. Praise God!!!

So after over a month of no running water, constant harrasment from corrupt police officers, several truck problems (in the remote area's I may add) I'm refreshed in God and am no longer wanting to remain weary, for a moment, in His harvest field. It's a new year, not just on the calender but in the heavenly realms it's a new season with His stuff getting poured out on anyone who says "Yes!" Let's say yes and allow Him to bring His harvest about. It's happening, the Kingdom is coming, and on the other side of the Jordan nothing we leave behind us will be regretted. Let's go!

in Him

It is overwhelming to read....My prayer for you is that you never lose your zeal for the Lord's will in the most difficult circumstances. You are a great inspiration to us and a great pleasure to the Father.
Nate! We are so happy for you! How awesome to see God touch people in that way and to meet Heidi and others like her! You are so blessed to be used of God and to see people healed and saved!

Love in Him,
Lisa and Carl
It is always encouraging to hear about God saving, healing, and setting free people on the
other side of earth. The U.S. has been so blessed materially that it has become a curse that
blinds people of their urgent need for God. And yet there is always hope and always people
who can still hear God despite the great illusion. Some one asked in my Sunday school class
the other day why we don't see more miracles here. It is a combination of unbelief and materialism that cloud our vision of what God would desire to do. When Jesus said that the
gates of hell would not prevail against the church He left us with no excuses no matter where we are planted to be a part of growing His kingdom. Keep up the good kingdom work! Jeff <>< ><>
Hey Nate its Mia,
I dont know if you remmeber me from New Mexico...umm short, mexican, long black anyway i just read your e-mail and then came on here and read some of your blogs and Nate its amazing to hear of all the things God is doing! You must know because you talk to Pastor Justin, that we are also going to Africa, only South Africa! This is going to be my second mission's trip and im even the more excited! i know its going to be nothing like Argentina (mission wise) but im ready...i know we are going to have to face alot im im ready! i read in a book called Facing Your Giants that after all that David had going against him he NEVERTHELESS stood up and walked out to face Goliath! Nate me heart burns for this kind of stuff! as i read your blogs my heart begain to cry...not just me, not just water from my eyes, but my heart! Gods been doin amazing stuff in my life here recently and my heart is setting ablaze! i cant help but cry when i think about all the lost and hurting even here in my classroom! Nate, ive always had compassion for the lost and hurting but never this MUCH LOVE! and i dont understand!..just as you said..why me nobody! just a willing vessel..but why me..why did you choose me to this..why not pastor justin!?! and then God spoke to me clear as he has always been! Its me that his Kingdom is in! i can feel it..his Kingdom isnt just in this world its in me..and for those who dont know him or do and just not wanting him i SPREAD it to them. I cant tell you how much youve helped me..and not even meaning to! but you did..thank you for the inspirational words! i know you probably have many people telling you this but nate your annoited and amazing in our Lord!

To Be Made Whole, because im lacking. To know ALL the promises and live them. To be obediant over sacrificing. My Hearts Cry. My God's vision. My life being a blessing. My God being blessed! i wrote that last night! Pastor Justin asked me what my vision was for this new season we are about to step into! and this is it! you said that we may bless our God..and it reminded me of what God wants for my life this new season comin up! i LOVE you
and i will keep you in my prayers

Humble Servant,
Hey Nate it's Brianna. I love to read these entrys; it's so wonderful to hear how God is using for His kingdom! I am praying for you and I love you always,
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